Janice McWilliams (MDiv, LCPC) is a therapist, spiritual director, speaker, spiritual formation specialist with IVCF and author of Restore My Soul: Reimagining Self-Care for a Sustainable Life. Janice’s love of the depths and intrigue of the human experience is matched by her desire to find her place in God’s work of restoring and revitalizing souls everywhere. More at janicemcwilliams.com.

Restore My Soul: Reimagining Self-Care for a Sustainable Life

Self-Care has never been more important and more misunderstood as an hour-to-hour, day-to-day integrated practice. For families with a member with disabilities and for people ministering to them, knowing how to prevent overwhelm, exhaustion, and burnout is mission critical. Too many people are being sidelined from their call and God-given purpose.
