Victoria White is the director of church services at All Belong, a national nonprofit which equips congregations and schools to glorify God through purposeful, innovative inclusion of persons with varied abilities. She brings more than twenty years of experience in educational and ministry settings, chronic illness, and mentorship under the late advocate and author Barbara J. Newman. Victoria is a popular writer, speaker, and coach for faith communities that are faithfully building belonging for persons of all abilities.

ReMembering the Body of Christ with Persons with Dementia

Discover important information about dementia and practical ideas to use for worshiping and interacting with someone experiencing dementia. You will learn effective multi-sensory strategies, family support ideas, and best practices for worship and connection.

Handout 1 (outline/notes & reflections): -this contains all the other links as well, plus a few more.

Handout 2 (puzzle piece perspective on dementia):

Handout 3 (tips and ideas for interacting):

Handout 4 (a story and ideas to try): –